The Wausau Daily Herald and The Bully Project Recognizes Wausau School District Students and Staff


The Bully Project Recognizes Wausau School District Students and Staff

After seeing BULLY and witnessing a severe act of bullying at her school, teacher Sarah Murphy decided she needed to help her students learn how to become upstanders. She began the “I am somebody” campaign and wrote a grant to her school district for year long funding of the project, developing a curriculum to teach students what it means to be an upstander and how to promote respect and empathy in the classroom. Wonderfully she received the funding and began her project. And the greatest part? Her students are getting the message.

How has BULLY inspired you to take action against bullying, whether it be in your school or community? Read more about Mrs. Murphy’s grant and the power of the students and staff of Wausau School District!

Wausau Daily Herald:

The Bully Project:


Defeat The Label


Defeat The Label

At some point in life, we have all experienced the emotional pain caused from social labeling. These labels create an imbalance of power and control within our schools, workplaces and communities- most often leading to bullying and the bystander effect. Check out: to learn ways to start defeating labels.